Document Number Document Title Remarks / Changes

Date of the Conversion Setup

U7116C US BAAN IVc3scc1

Definition of BEMIS 1.2.a Import and Export File for the Message Type Remittance Advice

New Position:

SA3.12 tfcmg501.stat in order to meet GM’s requirement

A description has been added which describes how to drive VDA 4927 message in the case SA2.4 is not filled


U7116B US BAAN IVc3scc1

Definition of BEMIS 1.1.a Import and Export File for the Message Type Remittance Advice

New Position:

SA3.11 (now an..35) tfcmg501.plnt


U7116A US BAAN IVb/c

Definition of BEMIS 1.1a Import and Export File for the Message Type Remittance Advice

New Position:

SA3.11 Customer’s Plant tfcmg501.plnt


U7115B US BAAN IVc3scc1

Definition of BEMIS 1.0a Import and Export File for the Message Type Remittance Advice

Date Changes added



U7115A US BAAN IVb/c

Definition of BEMIS 1.0a Import and Export File for the Message Type Remittance Advice

Base Document
